Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum

Excursion to Setomaa

August 23rd 09:00-17:00, price: 90 €, duration: ca 8 h.

1 group available (in English), max 50 people within the group.

Setomaa: Estonia’s Exotic Borderland
The bus journey takes us to the south-eastern corner of Estonia, to Setomaa – the land of Seto people, which is known for its well-preserved heritage culture. Seto leelo, a special way of polyphonic singing has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage list. During the tour, we will

  • visit the Seto Farm Museum,
  • visit the Obinitsa Studio Gallery,
  • learn about Seto farm architecture, tools, and handicraft,
  • observe the dressing process of a Seto woman in traditional attire,
  • listen to the Seto leelo choir,
  • step into some sacred places,
  • and enjoy traditional Seto food.

    Seto leelo singers

All of this is included in the tour price!

The excursion will be guided by the Setomaa tour guide Helen Külvik.

Setomaa tour guide Helen Külvik in Seto folk costume


Seto Farm Museum in Värska

Photos: Setomaa muuseumid and Wikipedia

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