Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum

Guided city walks

August 21st 16:00-17:30, price: 8 €, duration: 1,5 h.

5 different topics available (3 groups in English, 2 groups in Estonian), max 25 people within one group:

  1. Historical Journey through Ancient and Medieval Tartu (in English): Explore the ancient and medieval eras of Tartu with Arvi Haak, the head of the Archaeology Department at the Tartu City Museum.

  2. Historical Journey through the Traces of World War II in Tartu (in English): During this walking tour, we will explore the visible and invisible traces of World War II in the urban space of Tartu under the guidance of a tour guide. Tartu was a frontline city twice during World War II and was hit by several bombings. About half of the city’s buildings were destroyed. It can be said that World War II indirectly shapes the city of Tartu even today.

  3. Between the River and the Hill: A Historical Journey through the City Center (in English): We will explore the colourful history of Tartu’s old town, located between Toomemägi Hill and the Emajõgi River. We’ll check out the most exciting landmarks at the Town Hall Square and take a look at the streets (such as Rüütli Street) where life has thrived both day and night for centuries.

  4. Kultuurilooline ajalooretk Ülejõel (eesti keeles): Läheme jalutuskäigule Eesti kultuuriloo mõistes ühte kõige olulisemasse linnaossa – Ülejõele. Saab kuulda lugusid laulupidude traditsiooni sünnist ja teistestki saavutustest, milleni jõuti Eestis kõige esimesena just Tartus Ülejõel.

  5. Ajalooretk mööda Emajõe kallast (eesti keeles): Giid räägib Emajõe kallastel elatud kirevast elust: inimestest, ettevõtetest, turuplatsidest, parkidest, jõetranspordist, sildadest, põnevamatest ehitistest ja paljust muust.

All guided city tours are organized by Tartu City Museum.

Photo: Mana Kaasik
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