List of accepted papers
(GS – General Session; POS – Poster Session; A.1, A.2, … – Symposia)
A-E, F-K, L-P, R-T, U-Z
Aigro, Mari & Annika Kängsepp: Kasse ja koere: Use of nonstandard inflectional forms among adults speaking Estonian (GS)
Ajanki-Forslund, Rigina: Present tense verbal predicates in Uralic: where do the person markers come from? (GS)
Allikmäe, Kadri: The Musical Patterns of Torupilli Juss – Variations in the Bagpipe Playing of Juhan Maaker (1845-1930) (C.4)
Anisimov, Nikolai: Winter in the Mythological Beliefs of the Udmurts (C.3)
Antal, Gergely: Marginalised by scholars? – The question of loan phonemes and vowel harmony in the Permic dialects (B.10)
Aputytė, Gabrielė & Jurgis Pakerys: Reported evidential in Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian: a pilot study of translated fiction (B.8)
Arkhangelskiy, Timofey: Permic ‘if’-based particles (B.9)
Arkhipov, Alexandre: On nominal stress in post-shift Kamas: words of Samoyedic origin and Russian loans (B.11)
Arukask, Madis: A perception of Votians from an Estonian perspective (C.1)
Asztalos, Erika: Resultatives grammaticalizing into passives, perfects and past tense forms in Udmurt (GS)
Balodis, Uldis: Variation in locative case forms in Lutsi, a South Estonian variety of Latgale (B.3)
Basile, Rodolfo: Signaling location through grammatical objects in Estonian (B.6)
Belkind, Aleksandra: Secundative themes in Kazym Khanty and DP-restriction (B.4)
Benini-Morottaja, Bianca: Community-Based Language (re)vitalization: a case study of Aanaar Saami (B.2)
Bentlin, Mikko: Borrowed Finnish verbs with the derivational suffix -O- (B.1)
Bereczki, András: Professor István Csekey and the Lapua Movement (GS)
Bernhardt, Mariann: Ablative marked arguments of verbs of consumption in the Mordvinic languages (B.6)
Bouton, Jules: The diachrony of morphomes in the Finnic group: the role of stem allomorphy (GS)
Bradley, Jeremy: “If you say why”: Causal clauses in flux in the Volga Region (B.7)
Brykina, Maria, Josefina Budzisch, Aleksandr Riaposov & Alexandre Arkhipov: Challenges in development of corpora of Samoyedic languages from legacy data (B.12)
Bubnov, Gleb: The Samoyedic Predestinative as a bundle of D and Appl: Forest Nenets (B.4)
Budzisch, Josefina: Pragmatic definiteness in Selkup (B.4)
Burov, Daniil & Ilia Egorov: Kildin Saami voiceless sonorants (B.10)
Burov, Daniil, Denis Pisarenko, Alexey Starchenko, Maria Cheremisinova, Varvara Tiutiunnikova, Aleksandra Belkind & Anna Kulikova: Small, Smaller and Even Smaller: Small Nominals in Kazym Khanty (B.4)
Buza, Ákos, Petra Wagner & Farhat Jabeen: Mismatches in Hungarian prosody and syntax: An acceptability and interpretation study (B.11)
Cancel, Juan D: Metrical Incoherence or Opacity: A Stratal OT Analysis of Rhythmic Gradation in Nganasan (B.11)
Carayol, Martin: An ecocritical perspective on some Udmurt short stories (GS)
Culver, Christopher: New vowels in Mari: Iranian loanwords and Uralic inheritance (GS)
Danto, Anatole: Winter fishing and the winter of fishing: social-ecological mutations at work within the Finnic communities of the Baltic (C.3)
de Heer, Mervi: Steps and strategies of developing the Uralic basic vocabulary dataset UraLex 3. 0 (B.12)
den Dikken, Marcel & Éva Dékány: On the order of case and possessive agreement in Udmurt (GS)
Dér, Csilla Ilona: Discourse particle/sentence adverb + hogy ‘that’ clauses in Hungarian (B.7)
Dér, Csilla Ilona & Alexandra Markó: The prosody of independent and dependent clauses with ha ‘if’ and mintha ‘as if’ in Hungarian (GS)
Devyatkina, Tatiana & Serafima Panfilova: The concept of soul in the traditional worldview of the Mordva (GS)
Di Marco, Ernesto: Interactions between Associated Motion and the tense-aspect system of the Nganasan language (B.5)
Diladi, Eduard: Language attitudes of Ukrainian refugees in Finland towards interpretations and interpreters (A.2)
Dudeck, Stephan: Why I do not research the Khanty religion (C.2)
Edygarova, Svetlana: Beyond Boundaries: A Cross-Border Perspective on Finno-Ugric Studies (A.1)
Egedi, Barbara: A new linguistic database of Uralic nominal structures (GS)
Egorov, Ilia: Relative and Absolute Chronology in Eastern Saami Vocalism (B.2)
Eguchi, Kiyoko: Framing vs. Unframing Path-coding: Insights from Hungarian Learners’ Expressions (B.5)
Erkkilä, Riku & Tomi Koivunen: Why does the ablative express material in Udmurt? A case study (GS)
Ermakov, Natalia: Songs and laments in a winter theme: analysis of the material recorded during field studies (C.3)
Ernits, Enn: About Votic Toponyms (GS)
F-K, ↑
Faster, Mariko, Kadri Koreinik & Kara D. Brown: From Cipollino to Happy Ladybug: Mapping patterns and changes of Estonian kindergarten names (GS)
Fedina, Maria: On intersections and differences between Finno-Ugric and Indigenous studies (A.1)
Fedotova, Idaliia: Noun phrase structure of Kazym Khanty, a language of the Ob-Yenisei area (B.4)
Fejes, László: An unidentified marginal phoneme (B.10)
Forsberg, Ulla-Maija: Object, its nature and behavior in the Northern Mansi bear songs (B.6)
Frick, Maria & Sisko Brunni: Artificial intelligence as a text corrector for language learners (POS)
Gábor, Simon & Palágyi László: Moving beyond the verb-satellite duality. A constructional analysis of path-incorporation in Hungarian (B.5)
Grünthal, Riho: The stratification of Veps vocabulary (B.1)
Gulyás, Nikolett, Szilvia Németh & Ditta Szabó: Preparing the FLEx morphological analyzer for the Komi-Permyak language (B.12)
Gyuris, Beáta: Old commitments and repeated speech acts: interpreting Hungarian tényleg (B.9)
Hamari, Arja: Double case constructions in the Uralic languages (GS)
Harend, Helina, Mari Väina & Risto Järv: Family terms in Estonian runosongs and fairy tales (D.1)
Hasselblatt, Cornelius: The Vepsian ‘survival epic’ Virantanaz. An example for saving minor literatures? (GS)
Hebedová, Petra: Accompanied motion and deixis in Finnish and Estonian (GS)
Hedström, Torgny: Lule Saami dialects (B.2)
Hennoste, Tiit, Külli Habicht, Helle Metslang & Külli Prillop: Downtoners and intensifiers in different registers: The Estonian case (B.9)
Hiietam, Katrin: On transitivity, case frames and grammaticalisation in Estonian (GS)
Hint, Helen & Renate Pajusalu: Beyond Minimal Reference: The Role of Long Noun Phrases in Spoken Estonian (GS)
Hippi, Kaarina & Johanna Vaattovaara: Citizen sociolinguistics for co-researching language ideologies: reflections from a Finnish context (A.2)
Hirvonen, Johannes: A diachronic perspective on the discoursive functions of the Mari 3SG possessive suffix (B.9)
Hishiyama, Yuto: The order of the gerund and the negative verb in the Mari serial verb construction: A corpus based study (GS)
Holopainen, Sampsa: Finno-Saamic (?) *ćć – revisiting the evidence of loanwords and inherited words (B.1)
Horváth, Csilla: Changing discourse of cultural and linguistic relatedness of the Ob-Ugric peoples in Khanty-Mansiysk (A.1)
Horváth, Laura: Telic verbs of motion in Udmurt (B.5)
Huhtala, Atte: Preliminary Remarks on Expressions of Approximative Movement and Marking of Vicinal Goal in European Uralic (GS)
Huumo, Tuomas: How conceptualization motivates the case government of Finnish verbs (GS)
Iaptik, Galina: Rethinking the fate of Nenets cultural artefacts in Finnish museums (A.1)
Idimeshev, Asap: Northward spread of Samoyedic: archaeological evidence (D.1)
Immonen, Anna-Mari: Fragments from the Finno-Ugric past (C.1)
Iva, Sulev: South Estonian language or languages – speakers’ identity vs linguistics perspective (B.3)
Jaakola, Minna & Krista Ojutkangas: Why do we choose the nominative in Finnish? (GS)
Jalava, Lotta: Perspectives on Minority Languages in Finland’s Language Policy (A.2)
Janda, Gwen Eva: From Clause Combining to Discourse Structuring: Coherence in Ob-Ugric narratives (B.7)
Jantunen, Santra: Frequentative derivation in Vote: morphological and functional characteristics (GS)
Jääts, Indrek: South-Estonian in Historical Perspective: Non-Linguistic Aspects (B.3)
Jouste, Marko: Skolt Saami Music Tradition in Paččjokk during 1910s and 1920s – Transcriptions and Recordings by Isak Saba, Armas Launis and Armas Otto Väisänen (C.1)
Junttila, Santeri: The relative chronology of the Finnic *š > h change and the Slavic first palatalization (B.1)
Kaheinen, Kaisla & Tapani Salminen: Neuer samojedischer Wortschatz – Compiling an updated etymological dictionary of the Samoyed languages (GS)
Kaiser, Kamilla: Language policy and planning in the Udmurt language – two case studies (A.2)
Kaivapalu, Annekatrin, Ilona Kivinen, Hanna-Ilona Härmävaara, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus & Mariann Bernhardt: Integrating Finno-Ugristics and second language acquisition research: A longitudinal study on the development of metalinguistic awareness (GS)
Kallio, Kati, Mari Väina, Frog & Antti Kanner: Historical layers of Finnic oral poetry (D.1)
Kalnača, Andra & Ilze Lokmane: Particle and conjunction VAI in Latvian: origins, semantics and functions (B.9)
Kashkin, Egor: Verbs of falling in some Finno-Ugric languages through the lens of lexical typology (B.5)
Kask, Helin & Anna Verschik: English-Estonian code-copying in podcasts: comparing males and females (GS)
Katsika, Argyro, Eva Liina Asu-Garcia, Matthew Gordon, Pärtel Lippus & Anton Malmi: A kinematic study of the syllable-foot interaction in Estonian (B.11)
Kängsepp, Annika: Variation in the Case Forms of the Indefinite Pronoun keegi ‘someone’ in Written and Spoken Estonian (GS)
Kejonen, Olle: Phonological innovations in Čohkkiras North Saami (B.2)
Kerezsi, Ágnes: Keeping Khanty traditions alive in a changed environment (C.2)
Khanina, Olesya: Power structures and researcher’s positionality: a critical autobiographical reflection (A.1)
Khanina, Olesya & Asap Idimeshev: Northward spread of Samoyedic: linguistic evidence (D.1)
Kilp, Geidi: Code-switching and language play in multilingual Discord calls (GS)
Kivinen, Ilona: The possible Finnic effect on Saami contracted –is nominals (B.1)
Klaas-Lang, Birute & Kerttu Rozenvalde: Supporting linguistic diversity and the national language at the University of Tartu (Estonia): Adapting language policies to address the needs of staff and students (GS)
Klapuri, Tintti & Michael Rießler: The different languages of Kola Saami literature (C.1)
Kļava, Gunta: “We Can Speak in Livonian”—From Livonian as a Stage and Written Language to a Spoken Language (GS)
Koosa, Piret: Estonian perspectives on Finno-Ugric spirituality (C.1)
Koponen, Eino: The verbs meaning ‘to sell’ and ‘to give’ in Saami (B.1)
Korepanova, Maria: Revitalizing Besermyan Krezh’: From the Original Sources to the Stage Versions (C.4)
Kosheleva, Maria: The Kildin Saami (evidential) Perfect (B.8)
Kosheleva, Maria & Sofya Rachinskaya: Actional classification of verbs in Kildin Saami (B.2)
Koukkari, Tuomas: Impersonal and passive modal constructions in Aanaar Saami (B.2)
Kõmmus, Helen: The Traditional Music Features and Revival Aspects at Estonian and Finnish Folk Music Festivals (C.4)
Kroik, David & Richard Kowalik: Bringing South Saami Forward (B.2)
Kubínyi, Kata, Anne Tamm & Gabriella Tóth: Hungarian and Mari canonical partitives display subject-object asymmetries (B.6)
Kubitsch, Rebeka: Past tenses, epistemic primacy and epistemic authority in Udmurt (B.8)
Kugler, Nóra & Szilárd Tátrai: Contextualization as a key concept for modelling evidentiality (B.8)
Kuokkala, Juha & Markus Juutinen: Observations on the stem vowel correspondences and source forms of Germanic loanwords in Saami (B.1)
Kuperjanov, Andres: Solar eclipses in the Finnic-Ugric traditions (C.3)
Kushniarevich, Alena, Stella Eileen Päid, Roberts Spirģis, Eduards Plankājs, Georgi Hudjašov, Stefania Sasso, Lehti Saag, Ruoyun Hui, Martin Malve, Heiki Valk, Raimonds Resčenko, Jānis Kloviņš, Gunita Zariņa, Toomas Kivisild & Kristiina Tambets: Archaeogenetic study of historic Livs (D.1)
Kuzmin, Denis: Karelian personal names in oikonymy of South Karelia (GS)
Kuznetsova, Natalia & Elena Markus: Prosodic structure of the trisyllabic foot in Soikkola Ingrian (Finnic) (B.11)
Kügler, Frank, Anja Arnhold, Corinna Langer & Nele Ots: Prosodic expression of focus in Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian complex noun phrases (B.11)
L-P, ↑
Laak, Marin: Cultural resilience and networks of the Estonian diaspora: the example of the Australian Forest University (GS)
Laitinen, Saarni: Metonymy and metaphor in Finnish-Estonian and Estonian-Finnish dictionaries: case study of three frequent verbs (GS)
Laury, Ritva, Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, Karita Suomalainen & Anna Vatanen-Nissinen: Never-ending sentences in Finnish everyday conversation: prosody, embodiment and grammar as indexes of turn continuation and completion (B.7)
Lebedev, Egor: Digitalization of Finno-Ugric Minority Languages: Personal Experience (A.1)
Leete, Art: Exploring the Finno-Ugric Sensitivity (C.2)
Lehtinen, Ildikó: In the shadow of Greater Finland. The frame of scientific work of Ilmari Manninen in Finland (C.1)
Lehtinen, Miika: Skolt Saami reflexive verbs in –õõttâd (B.2)
Levente, Máthé: Subject-marking in non-finite verbal constructions in Meadow Mari (B.6)
Lindström, Liina & Triin Todesk: The language shift of Võro and Seto South Estonian in the 20th—21st century (B.3)
Lintrop, Aado: The motif of rebirth in Mansi folk tales (GS)
Lippus, Pärtel & Eva Liina Asu-Garcia: The alignment of co-speech gestures with prominence in Estonian: a preliminary analysis (B.11)
Lobanova, Lyudmila: To the question of the ritual symbolism of the cherry festival Chicken Dinner (C.3)
Lotkin, Ilya: The problems of socio-economic and cultural adaptation of the Baltic settlers in Siberia in the late XIX – early XX centuries (GS)
Lukin, Karina: Patriotic shades (C.1)
Mády, Katalin, Anna Kohári, Cecília Sarolta Molnár & Ádám Szalontai: Towards a tonal system of Hungarian intonation: the expression of pragmatic contents in polar questions (B.11)
Marić, Ana: Religion vs tradition: Folk motives of saint’s holidays in Estonian and finnic culture (C.2)
Mayrhofer, Patrick: Final *-m in Central and Southern Saami (B.2)
Mäkelä, Felix: Language planning of North Sámi health care terminology (A.2)
Mänd, Loviisa & Szilárd Tibor Tóth: Revisiting the Estonian feminine suffix –ik (GS)
Metslang, Helle, Miina Norvik, Karl Pajusalu & Eva Saar: Stratifications of alternativity: Functions of the word VÕI in the Southern Finnic language area (B.9)
Metsmägi, Iris: The oldest layers of the Estonian lexis in the light of the recent research (GS)
Metsäranta, Niklas: Substrate in Finno-Permic languages (B.1)
Mettovaara, Jukka: Aanaar Saami demonstrative pronouns: a reappraisal (B.2)
Minniyakhmetova, Tatiana: Udmurt Winter Through the Prism of the Folk Calendar and Rituals (C.3)
Moran-Nae, Bridget: The Intersection of Music and Language Revitalization – Livonian Musical Performers (GS)
Morottaja, Petter: Productivity and trends of frequentative and continuative verb derivations in Aanaar Saami written literature (B.2)
Niglas, Liivo: Yamal Nenets Film Series: Reusing Fieldwork Material (C.2)
Niinemägi, Merit: Variation in Aanaar Saami adjective attribute marking (B.2)
Noreikis, Simonas: On South Estonian (Ludza and Leivu) proper names in Latvia and their possible cognates in other Finnic areas of Latvia (Livonian and Krevinian) (B.3)
O´Rourke, Patrick Juho-Ville: A revision of Finnic chronology: Middle Proto-Finnic Livonian (B.1)
Ojala, Kristiina: Obvious(ly) noun phrases – or are they? Analyzing ambiguous phrases with polysemous adjectives and adverbs in North Saami (GS)
Oksanen, Henrik: Clause combining in Finnish legal language from a functional perspective (B.7)
Onikki-Rantajääskö, Tiina, Antti Kanner & Harri Kettunen: Scholarly Terminology and the Vitality of Languages (GS)
Oras, Janika & Triin Rätsep: A Touch That Stays with You: Reviving a Traditional Singing Wedding in South Estonia (C.4)
Osipova, Marina: Shifting Loyalties of Grigoriy Vereshagin (A.1)
Pajusalu, Karl & Uldis Balodis: Southern Finnic word prosody in the light of new typological datasets (B.11)
Palágyi, László & Tímea Bajzát: A corpus-based investigation of the use of Finnish and Hungarian posture verbs for motion events (B.5)
Panka, Erzsébet: How Hungarian and Polish learners of Finnish use the partitive and total object cases. Object cases, definiteness, and aspect in Finnish, Hungarian and Polish (B.6)
Panyukov, Anatoly: Yule spirits in calendar representations of Komi-Zyryans (C.3)
Partanen, Niko: Digitization of text collections by the Finno-Ugrian Society (B.12)
Pasanen, Annika: Crossing ideologies in discourses on Sámi language development (A.2)
Pärtlas, Žanna: Seto Leelo Tune Typology: Presentation of the Electronic Resource, Methodology and Possible Outcomes of the Typological Study (D.1)
Pesonen, Petro, Minerva Piha, Marja Ahola, Elisabeth Holmqvist & Terhi Honkola: Two asbestos-tempered Early Metal Period pottery types in the Eastern Finland, c. 3000-1500 calBP and their connections with protolanguages (D.1)
Petrovych, Olha, Liina Saarlo & Serhii Petrovych: Fog as a Symbol and Physical Phenomenon in Ukrainian Folk Songs and Estonian Runosongs: A Comparative Study (D.1)
Piha, Minerva & Hanna Danbolt Ajer. Presenting SAMLA: The Network for Research and Teaching of Small Saami Languages (B.2)
Pilvik, Maarja-Liisa, Liina Lindström, Helen Plado & Carl Eric Simmul: Most abstracts introduce some complex patterns: On the relationship between indefinite QPs and NPs in contemporary Estonian (B.4)
Pischlöger, Christian: “Let’s write either in Russian or literary Udmurt, following the generally accepted rules”: (Non-)standard orthographies for Beserman, a new language in Russia (A.2)
Plado, Helen: Language ideologies behind the Võro and Seto language use and planning (A.2)
Pleshak, Polina: Small nominals real and fake: a case study of bare complements in Moksha (B.4)
Pomázi, Bence: The Possibilities for Identifying Newly Emerged Postpositions in Hungarian (B.7)
Ponomarev, Georgy, Natalia Kuznetsova, Igor Evsyukov, Anna Potanina, Igor Gorin, Vyacheslav Kuleshov, Anastasiya Agdzhoyan, Dmitry Adamov & Elena Balanovska: Eastern Finnic populations: genetic structure inferred from genome-wide and Y-chromosome data in light of other historical data (D.1)
Posio, Ilkka: The Many Uses of the Finnish Verb tahtoa and Its Development (GS)
Priiki, Katri: The Finnish non-finite referative constructions in interaction (B.7)
Puura, Ulriikka: Finnish research on the Veps language during the Continuation War: an examination of field researchers’ language attitudes (A.2)
Pystynen, Juho: A reappraisal of the vowel system of Proto-Mansi (GS)
R-T, ↑
Rachinskaya, Sofya: Future time reference in Genetz’ Gospel of Matthew (B.2)
Rakhno, Kostyantyn: The Viy motif in Finno-Ugric folklore (GS)
Rasmus, Sini: New speakers of Sámi in Unjárga – transmitting the Sámi language to the next generation (A.2)
Rassyhaev, Aleksey: Stories about Christmas fortune-telling in the tradition of Visherа Komi (C.3)
Raunamaa, Jaakko: Finnish place names in the light of the Digital Names Archive (GS)
Reidla, Maere, Ene Metspalu, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Rodrigo Flores, Raimons Rescenko, Vita Rovite, Jānis Kloviņš, Adam Ameur, Ulf Gyllensten, Richard Villems, Doron M Behar & Anne-Mai Ilumäe: Mothers on the move – thousands of complete mitochondrial sequences reveal the layered formation of the common maternal genepool of Finland and Estonia (D.1)
Reunanen, Elisa & Ilmari Ivaska: Linguistic variation in written standard Finnish: a corpus-driven approach (GS)
Rießler, Michael: A borrowed hortative particle in Kola Saami (B.2)
Rozhanskiy, Fedor: The corpus of Soikkola Ingrian: key issues and solutions (B.12)
Rudaya, Natalia: Northward spread of Samoyedic: environmental evidence (D.1)
Ruotsala, Helena: Symbol of identity or just everyday life – the role of religion of Mari people during 2000s (C.1)
Saar, Eva & Kaisa Tammoja: South Estonian in the Surnames of Põlva Parish (B.3)
Saar, Evar: The role and necessity of South Estonian onomastics (B.3)
Saarlo, Liina: Leelo and a leaf flute. Representatives of Estonian traditional music on stage at the 2nd half of the 20th century (C.4)
Sahkai, Heete: Unselected subjects and objects in Estonian resultatives (B.6)
Sakuma, Jun’ich: On the Syntactic Representation of Discourse Configurational Principles in Finnish and Estonian from a Microcomparative Perspective (GS)
Salánki, Zsuzsanna: The impact of language planning on the school education of the Udmurt language in the light of a minority native language pedagogical journal (A.2)
Salmela, Elina, Lehti Saag, Marge Konsa, Alena Kushniarevich, Raivo Suni, Ulla Nordfors, Liivi Varul, Mari Tõrv, Kristiina Tambets & Terhi Honkola: Finnic females? Tracing the origin of the women in the Proto-Finnic-speaking Eastern Baltic (D.1)
Salminen, Esa-Jussi: About the role of Finno-Ugric literatures in language revival, language planning and Finno-Ugric co-operation (GS)
Salminen, Jutta. Jos kukaan on normaali ‘if anyone is normal’. Impact of the conditional type on the distribution of Finnish NPIs. B.7: Clause combining in Uralic languages: functional and interactional perspectives
Salo, Merja: On pejorative expressions in Finno-Ugric languages (GS)
Saraheimo, Mari: Pre-mirative context marking and epistemic authority in the val-based analytic past constructions of Udmurt (B.8)
Satina, Maria: Towards the Typology of Transcategorial Diminutive Markers in the Uralic Languages of Northeastern Eurasia (GS)
Savelyeva, Galina: Yule games in the traditional culture of Komi-Zyryans (C.3)
Schweitzer, Benjamin: Evidentiality, Egophoricity and Epistemic Modality in Scientific Discourse: Finnish Musicology as a Case Study (B.8)
Schön, Zsófia: Well, why are they so many? – In search of explanations for the abundance of discourse particles in Yugan Khanty (B.9)
Siiroinen, Mari, Ville Eerola & Tiia Winther-Jensen: Society for the Study of Finnish 1876–2026. 150 years of language policy, language development and scientific research of Finnish language (POS)
Silvennoinen, Olli, Héloïse Calame, Matti Miestamo, Ksenia Shagal & Chingduang Yurayong: Object case alternation in Finnish complement clauses under negation: A quantitative study (B.7)
Sipos, Mária: Russian influence on the use of discourse particles in North Khanty (B.9)
Skogstad Berntsen, Siri: The Kveeni minority people in the north of Norway: Regaining or recreating cultural group identity within the Fenno-Ugric cultural heritage after centuries of norwegianising and assimilation processes (C.1)
Sommer, Łukasz: A Pole looks at a Russian and sees a Finn: Some observations on the 19th century notions of language and kinship (C.1)
Soosaar, Sven-Erik: Comparative aspects of the development of diminutives in Finnic and Baltic languages (GS)
Söder, Torbjörn: The future participle suffix –jassa in the 1811 Saami Bible (B.2)
Spets, Silja-Maija: Clear remembrance’ as an evidential category (B.8)
Sykäri, Venla: The Role of Language Identity, Continuation, and Audience Participation in the Finnish and Breton Revived Oral Song Traditions (C.4)
Szabó, Ildikó: Urban shamanism (C.2)
Szeverényi, Sándor: Reporting, quoting and intersubjectivity in Nganasan conversations (B.8)
Szigiljetov, Vitalij: Ritual-ceremony activity in foreign cultural spaces (C.2)
Särg, Taive, Marion Selgall & Helena Trei: About the Process of Singing and the Conception of Authenticity in the 21st-Century Estonian Regilaul Tradition (C.4)
Tamás, Ildikó: Identity, being as a minority in a global context. Sámis on Instagram (POS)
Tamás, Ildikó: Fashion and Activism: Ethno-fashion in the light of Nation-Building and the Representation of Interethnic Conflicts (POS)
Tánczos, Outi: Karelian speakers’ and learners’ views on multilingual practices (A.2)
Taremaa, Piia & Ann Veismann: The expression of motion events in Estonian (B.5)
Teptiuk, Denys, Miina Norvik & Petar Kehayov: Beyond evidentiality: epistemic authority and other effects on the use of grammatical evidentials in Southern Finnic (B.8)
Teras, Pire: The loss of /h / affecting the quantity patterns: The case of South Estonian Leivu dialect (B.11)
Timár, Bogáta: The future necessitive participle -šaš as an epistential modal marker in Meadow Mari (B.8)
Tins, Andrus & Reet Hiiemäe: Finno-Ugric Worldviews in the Changing World of Technology (GS)
Tiutiunnikova, Varvara: How to identify pseudo-incorporation in a language without accusative marking: a Kazym Khanty case (GS)
Todesk, Triin: The discourse particle no(h) in non-initial position in Seto (B.9)
Tomingas, Marili: The discourse particle agā ‘but; or; perhaps; whether’ in Courland Livonian (B.9)
Torres, Nathaniel: Adpositions in Finnish (GS)
Toulouze, Eva & Ranus Sadikov: Religious traditions of the Eastern Udmurt in a transformed situation (C.2)
Trosterud, Trond & Marja-Liisa Olthuis: Modelling complex numerals as part of Inari Saami revitalising (B.2)
Tuisk, Tuuli & Valts Ernštreits: Voices of Livonians: how to evaluate the pronunciation of the Livonian language spoken today? (POS)
Tuokko, Alma: Verbs in reflexive-anticausative constructions: Testing implicational hierarchies on South-Eastern Finnic languages (POS)
U-Z, ↑
Ubaleht, Ivan: South Estonian in Western Siberia (B.3)
Vaab, Janek: Undescribed and unstudied language resources of Leivu South Estonian (B.3)
Valijärvi, Riitta-Liisa & Rogier Blokland: A qualitative analysis of variation in Meänkieli (GS)
Vallikivi, Laur: Silences of Fieldwork: Investigating Tacit Knowledge in Arctic Communities (C.2)
Valtonen, Taarna: Anthropology of technology and loanwords: new tools for studying the connection between lexical and archaeological evidence in prehistoric contexts (B.1)
Vedernikova, Elena: The problems and features of teaching the Mari language at a university (exemplified by Eötvös Loránd University) (GS)
Vesakoski, Outi: Uralic spread, Seima-Turbino and flower pots (D.1)
Virtanen, Susanna: Remarks on morphophonology in Northern Mansi Verbs (GS)
Vojter, Kitti: Motion verbs in Northern Siberian languages: the analysis of Nganasan, Dolgan and Evenki (B.5)
Voldina-Ledkova, Tatyana: Reflection of the multicomponent culture of the Kazym Khanty in folklore materials about the goddess Vut-imi (D.1)
Volodina, Tatiana & Mare Kõiva: Healing Charms and Healing with Animals (C.3)
Vyatchina, Maria: The Ingrained Epistemic Injustice: Recognizing, Overcoming and Analyzing Colonial Tropes in Finno-Ugric Studies (A.1)
Wilbur, Joshua: Incorporating past, present and future into the Pite Saami documentation corpus (B.12)
Yefymyshch, Nadezhda: Ancient ways of the Volga Finno-Ugric peoples to Eastern Europe (D.1)
Zamyatin, Konsta: Why can’t we preserve linguistic diversity? Problems of the practice of language policy and revitalization of the Finno-Ugric languages in Russia (A.1)
A-E, F-K, L-P, R-T, U-Z