Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum

Payment options

Please fill out and submit the registration form before payment. You will receive a confirmation mail which, depending on your choices, shows the sum you have to pay.

You can make the payment with credit card or via bank transfer in the Baltic states or via bank transfer outside the Baltic states. If you pay with credit card or via bank transfer in the Baltic states the invoice will be sent to you automatically if you provide your email address. While entering the details for the invoice make sure to name the right addressee. The name and institution on the invoice cannot be changed later. In case of credit card payment a service fee of approximately 1.5% of the paid sum may be added depending on your bank. The banking details for bank transfer payment are as follows:

Receiver: University of Tartu
Address: Ülikooli 18, 50090 TARTU, ESTONIA
Registration number: 74 00 10 73
Bank: SEB Pank AS, Tornimäe 2, 15010 TALLINN
IBAN: EE281010102000234007
In the description, please write: CIFU14, your last name

If you pay via bank transfer outside the Baltic states no automatic invoice is provided. In case you need an invoice you are requested to let us know and wait until the invoice has been sent to you by the financial department of our university and then make the payment. In case you do not need an invoice you can make the bank transfer at any time.

In case none of the above payment options is possible for you please register anyway and contact us.

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