Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum

Second Circular, May 2024

Dear colleagues,

This 2nd Circular includes the central Call for Abstracts for Symposia and the General Session of the 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Tartu, August 18–23, 2025. We have accepted 19 symposia proposals in four different categories: A. Discipline-related approaches; B. Linguistics; C. Ethnology, religion, and folklore; and D. History, prehistory, and archaeology. (Note that there were no proposals in the fields of literature and art.) The list of symposia is now available at the Congress homepage

Guidelines for abstract submission: All abstracts must be written in English. The length of an abstract may not exceed 2 pages, including references; font size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm everywhere, A4 paper. The abstract must be submitted as an anonymized attachment (preferably word and pdf file) to In the body text of the email include your name, affiliation, and the title of the talk. (Note also the special information for participation from Russia and Belarus below.) In case you plan to give your talk in a language other than English, please add the title of your talk in this language. (Symposium organizers will decide about the language policy in each symposium.) Please also indicate in your email if your abstract is being submitted as an oral presentation to one of the symposia, as an oral presentation to the General Session, or as a poster presentation for the Poster Session of the congress. Each participant can submit maximally two abstracts: one as the lead author (presenting author), one as a co-author. Abstract proposals must be submitted by September 30, 2024 October 20, 2024.

After the peer-review process, you will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract by December 1, 2024.

Information on registration, including participation fees, will follow in a 3rd Circular in January 2025 the latest. We will already update our homepage before that. Registration will open in February 2025. All accepted abstracts will be published on the congress website. If the author of an accepted abstract does not register for the congress, the abstract will be removed.

Symposium organizers are encouraged to publish edited volumes based on the material of their symposia, but no central publication of all CIFU proceedings is planned.

Our website at will be continuously updated, and new information about registration, fees, the program, the venue, travel and accommodation will be made available. You are also welcome to follow our Facebook event site, or to contact us by email:

Special information for participation from Russia and Belarus: according to the current regulations, any cooperation of Tartu University with institutions in these countries is strictly prohibited. For abstracts submitted from Russia and Belarus, authors are asked to indicate in the body texts of the email their city, but no affiliation. Onsite participation is, in principle, possible, but Tartu University does not issue invitations to Russian and Belarusian citizens for visas, however online participation is an alternative. The practicalities of online participation will be announced later.

Summary of important dates:

  • Abstract submission is now open
  • Abstract submission deadline: September 30th, 2024 October 20th, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: starting from December 1st 2024
  • Registration starts in February 2025 (details in the 3rd Circular in January 2025 February 2025)

We look forward to seeing you in Tartu in 2025!

Gerson Klumpp
President of the XIV Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies

Marili Tomingas
Secretary of the XIV Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies

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